Strategy of CPS

  1. Links to UTB strategic documents

Strategic Plan for Education, Science, Research, Development, Innovation, Art and Other Creative Activities of Tomas Bata University in Zlín for 2016– 2020. Implementation Plan of the Strategic Plan for Educational, R&D and Creative Activities of Tomas Bata University in Zlín for 2020.

  1. Mission (Why?)

Support research and its links with the field.

  1. Values (What is important?)

Excellence, creativeness, innovation, efficiency, transparency, openness, freedom of research, equal opportunities, diversity, professional responsibility, career development, flexibility, mobility, fair play, work/life balance, social responsibility.

  1. Vision

Become a centre of excellence in research with a world-wide impact in the field of innovative, polymer-based products – an institution aiming at the long-term collaboration with its strategic partners, as well as a research entity which employs motivated and satisfied researchers, fosters the competitiveness of the region and the country, and respects its values with regard to the sustainable development of society.

  1. Strategic goals:

Strategic goals of the research centre with respect to  work organization (material and technical pre-requisites), development of qualification (knowledge, skills, personal abilities), and employee motivation (financial/non-financial incentives) are defined and continuously updated in the eight fields of strategic development of the research centre, i.e., PhD students, career system, evaluation of scientific staff, women, evaluation of research organization, international cooperation, cross-sectoral cooperation and popularisation.

Centrum polymerních systémů
Centrum polymerních systémů
Centrum polymerních systémů



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