Incoming mission on CPS

On May 17, 2023, a foreign delegation visited Centre of Polymer Systems.  The members of this incoming mission toured the center's laboratories, accompanied by its director, prof. Vladimír Sedlařík. They listened to the presentation and together talked about the possibilities of future cooperation. In addition to this visit, they also participated in the two-day Disaster Medicine 2023 conference, which was organized by the Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management.  

An original book for children was created on the premises of the University of Zlín

Zlín 2. 5. 2023 – How feet affect the behavior of the whole body, how they work, why they sometimes hurt, how to procure the right shoes and why to prefer sometimes barefoot-walking. These and other questions are answered in a picture publication called “Nezapomeň na nohy”. It is intended for children and their parents, but also for kindergarten and elementary school teachers.

Research Efforts of Zlín Scientists Help Students from Litomyšl to Win the Festival of Science and Technology for Youth

Zlín, 30 March 2023 – Matěj Kovář and Radovan Fila, students from the Alois Jirásek Gymnasium in Litomyšl, succeeded with their project entitled Influence of Cigarettes on the Human Body and Surroundings, winning the main prize in the Junior category involving a study stay to take place in France. During the period of their research, they also collaborated with scientists at the Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS) of the Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín.

A Centre of Polymer Systems student wins the 2023 Show-Off

Take Courage and Show Off! For twelve years already, this motto has accompanied what is now a well-established University’s competition. Organised by the Faculty of Humanities’ Centre for Language Education, the event tests the participant’s English and presentation skills.

Composite materials - A new route to multifunctional system for tissue engineering

Zlín, 10 March 2023 – Since the realization of the human body’s imperfection in regenerating damaged tissues, scientists have been working to find a way to compensate for this deficiency. Therefore, in addition to conventional treatments, the potential of replacing damaged tissue with synthetic constructs possessing biomimetic properties is being developed.

Gumference 2023

The traditional international rubber conference Gumference 2023 took place on 9 February. For the second year in a row, the conference was organized in cooperation between CPS and the Leibniz Institut fur Polymerforschung in Dresden. 

Visitors from Mongolia

8 February 2023 – A group of representatives from Mongolia visited the Centre of Polymer Systems on Wednesday, 8 February 2023. The mission was organised by the Charity of the Czech Republic since Mongolia is amongst the countries in which the charity is present.



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