Visitors from Mongolia

8 February 2023 – A group of representatives from Mongolia visited the Centre of Polymer Systems on Wednesday, 8 February 2023. The mission was organised by the Charity of the Czech Republic since Mongolia is amongst the countries in which the charity is present. The organisation arranged for a study trip of representatives of SMEs in the field of plastic recycling; the journey takes place as part of the project entitled Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia and supported, among others, by the European Commission. The trip aimed to explore the best practice in this field in the Czech Republic as well as in Germany and meet some examples. Waste management is one of the key issues in Mongolia due to urbanisation, industrialisation and increased consumption. Often, the staff of Mongolian recycling companies lack knowledge of the best and most up-to-date processes. A new waste law was published in 2017, but sustainable solutions have not yet been found and implemented. A national waste strategy and action plan have been adopted, both emphasising the need to ensure proper solid waste management, pursue environmentally friendly technologies and approaches, lead the public to change their behaviour to adopt the 3Rs and increase the social responsibility of citizens and businesses. Prof. Vladimír Sedlařík, the CPS Director, served as the group’s guide, presenting the Centre, the laboratories and the technology hall to the participants and discussing the possibilities of future cooperation with the group members.




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