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Research Efforts of Zlín Scientists Help Students from Litomyšl to Win the Festival of Science and Technology for Youth

Zlín, 30 March 2023 – Matěj Kovář and Radovan Fila, students from the Alois Jirásek Gymnasium in Litomyšl, succeeded with their project entitled Influence of Cigarettes on the Human Body and Surroundings, winning the main prize in the Junior category involving a study stay to take place in France. During the period of their research, they also collaborated with scientists at the Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS) of the Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín.

The competition which has been attracting young researchers is organised, on a periodical basis, by the Association for Youth, Science and Technology (Czech: Asociace pro mládež, vědu a techniku – AMAVET) in cooperation with the Pardubice Region, the University of Pardubice, the University of Hradec Králové and other partners.                              

“We thought about what we could improve as the project was moved to the regional level. At that time, our teacher watched a report on Czech TV presenting the Centre of Polymer Systems’ research on the use of cigarette butts to remove hormones from wastewater,” says Matěj Kovář, a multi-year gymnasium school student who just turned thirteen, adding: “The very next day I found more articles in the media about the success of the Zlín scientists and I contacted the project’s principal investigator, Professor Vladimír Sedlařík, whom I asked for more information.”

The students’ cooperation with the Centre of Polymer Systems began almost immediately.
Professor Vladimír Sedlařík met Matěj Kovář, offered samples of nanofibers made from cigarette butts and described in detail the results of the research project so far. “It was nice for me to see that the results of our research found resonance among the students of the gymnasium and I was happy to cooperate. I consider supporting young people interested in science to be one of the key activities of universities,” says Professor Vladimír Sedlařík, Director of the Centre of Polymer Systems.

 “We appreciate it very much. For the regional level we studied in English how the whole process works,” says Matěj Kovář. Their successful presentation won the Award of the Dean of Pardubice University’s Faculty of Chemistry and Technology as well as the main prize – a study stay in France. “We learned a tremendous amount of information, such as the fact that cigarette butts can be used to remove hormones from wastewater. We also learned how the process of fiberizing in the electric field works and much more information related to this topic,” says Matěj Kovář with enthusiasm.        

“We would like to thank Professor Vladimír Sedlařík for his willingness to help both of us, whether it was sourcing information or processing the text to be presented. Being in touch with an expert like him convinces us of the importance of scientific chemistry and certainly motivates us to study in the future,” both students said in unison.

“I am very glad that Professor Sedlařík devoted his free time to our second graders and consulted with them directly at our school about their competition study. I hope that we will establish cooperation with the Tomas Bata University in Zlín, where our students might work at a top workplace and consult their technical papers with experts at specialised departments of the University,” says Ivana Hynková, Principal at the Alois Jirásek Gymnasium in Litomyšl. 

 “I find the project to support young researchers very beneficial. It is an example of good practice of cooperation between secondary schools and higher-education schools. I believe that we will be able to organise a similar activity here in the Zlín Region,” concludes Professor Sedlařík.



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