Zlín becomes a national centre of competence for polymer research. The scientists will address the issue of polymers and their impact on the environment.

Zlín 24 January 2023 – A significant success has been achieved by the staff of the Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS) at the Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín. The local scientists succeeded in a challenging public competition call of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) within the National Centres of Competence programme which focuses on enhancing cooperation between research organisations and entities in the field.

Nanotechnology using cigarette butts to help remove hormones from wastewater

Zlín, 19 January 2023 – Cosmetic products, cleaning products, industrial production or hormonal contraceptives: This is where pollutants and hormone residues enter the wastewater. Their quantity is constantly increasing and therefore their presence must be eliminated, not only in drinking water but also in sources of natural water.

CPS organizes a Webinar on the problem: "Influencing lifetime of rubber"

On 1/27/2023 at 2:00 p.m., CPS is holding a webinar discussing the issue of "Influencing lifetime of rubber". This webinar will be led by a globally recognized expert in the field of rubber life characterization Prof. Gert Heinrich from Technische UNiversitaet in Dresden and 3 experts will present their contributions as part of the webinar, while one of the speakers is the representative of CPS Doc. Radek Stocek.

IGA 2022 Student Scientific Conference

On 5 December 2022, the IGA 2022 Student Scientific Conference was held at the Centre of Polymer Systems. Doctoral students who are members of the research teams of IGA/CPS projects carried out in 2022 participated, presenting the following topics:

The next edition of Gumference is coming soon!

On February 9, 2023, the next edition of the international scientific conference GUMFERENCE, which focuses on advanced testing of soft polymeric materials, will take place under the cooperation of the CPS and IPF Dresden.
The origins of the GUMFERENCE conference date back to 2011, when its first edition was held in Zlín. All those interested in this topic are cordially invited to attend the conference, which will be held online. All information can be found on the conference website: www.gumference.com .



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