Strategy for setting and developing international cooperation in research and development & internationalising the research organisation

Mission (Why?)

International cooperation as a way to unique, excellent and sustainable outputs of UNI/CPS.

Values (What is important?)

Openness, partnership, flexibility, professional responsibility, transparency, recognition of experience with mobility, career development, value of mobility, continuous professional development, attitude to education and continuous development of researchers.

Vision (Which way?)

UNI/CPS makes use of the uniqueness of the infrastructure and processes built for the field of international R&D cooperation to develop and subsequently implement new knowledge in polymeric systems into the field within the international context.

Strategic goals (Where?)

Strategic goals in this area with respect to work organization (material and technical pre-requisites), development of qualification (knowledge, skills, personal abilities), and employee motivation (financial/non-financial incentives) are defined and continuously updated.

Strategy for setting and developing international cooperation in research and development & internationalising the research organisation



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