Strategy for developing cross-sectoral cooperation in transferring knowledge from the research area into the field

Mission (Why?)

Technology transfer as a way to assessing the UNI/CPS R&D outputs for society and improving the image of UNI/CPS.

Values (What is important?)

Openness, loyalty, communication, teamwork, fair-play, contractual and legal obligations, dissemination and exploitation of results, public commitment, intellectual property and co-authorship rights, innovation.

Vision (Which way?)

UNI/CPS uses the established UNI/CTT infrastructures for cross-sectoral cooperation to transfer knowledge from the research environment into the field.

Strategic goals (Where?)

Strategic goals in this area with respect to work organization (material and technical pre-requisites), development of qualification (knowledge, skills, personal abilities), and employee motivation (financial/non-financial incentives) are defined and continuously updated.

Strategy for developing cross-sectoral cooperation in transferring knowledge from the research area into the field



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