Experinece science in Zlín

30 March 2022 – Will we ever be able to print a working human heart using a 3D printer? How is a tyre made? What is the food of the future?
We invite all inquisitive minds to the science festival entitled Experience Science (Zažij vědu), which will take place on 27 April 2022 at the Faculty of Technology of Tomas Bata University in Zlín. There will be 18 workshops where you can take a peek under the hood of scientist fields. For example, you will try how they work in a lab, learn to identify polymers, discover the magic of 3D printers and lasers, taste unconventional foods and more. The programme in the morning is reserved for secondary schools, while the members of public can enjoy it in the afternoon. Admission free of charge. Please visit www.zazijvedu.cz to learn more.



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