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Nanotechnology helps save our enviroment

Zlín – 5 May 2022. Scientists from the Centre for Polymer Systems (CPS) at Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín are intensely involved in the development of nanotechnologies. Specifically, they are working in studying novel pigments for anti-corrosion coating systems. It is exactly what is intended to protect, for example, metal structures, as well as railway, road and building elements.
“We are developing a new generation of coatings that will enable us to apply a lesser coating thickness. This leads to less materials being consumed, easier use and longer service life of the protection system. The resulting product is then more cost-competitive while more environmentally friendly,” explains Ivo Kuřitka, the supervisor of the Nanomaterials and Advanced Technologies Research Group at the Centre for Polymer Systems.

Zlín scientists manage this particular project together with Rokospol, a.s.

When we discussed and reflected on this issue during our lessons, we realised that we had many of the same interests, which was the beginning of our joint research and development activities,” says Michal Machovský, the project’s principal investigator.

We are happy to see that we are doing things that not only we, at the University, think have some importance, but that we are meeting the real demand from industrial practice and the need of the market,” says Ivo Kuřitka.

The plans the University shares with the Company are still evolving. In response to rising energy prices and the need for savings, the development of coating systems for facades and roofs is also beginning. The intention is that such systems effectively reflect the thermal component of solar radiation while maintaining the desired colour rendering. While building thermal insulation to save heating costs in winter is already a standard solution, overheating of indoor areas in the summertime and the associated need for air conditioning is proving to be a problem.

“Compared to shading construction elements such as external sunblinds that require installation, this solution offers an extremely easy application method that can cover the entire surface of the facade.  This provides not only more effective but also much more economical coating system. On the other hand, both approaches can also be combined to achieve an even stronger effect,” says Dušan Navrátil, Development Director at Rokospol, a.s.

Mgr. Petra Svěráková
Tisková mluvčí
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně
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tel: 777 852440



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