Equipment for accelerated aging testing - QUV Tester

Device is for:
  • Device for accelerated aging of materials by ultraviolet radiation, humidity
    and temperature. Ability to test within a few days and weeks of material damage that otherwise occurs during normal use over several months or years. Two devices are available
  • Temperature range 35-80 ° C (UV cycle),
    40-60 ° C (condensation cycle)
  • Wavelengths and radiation levels 0.35 - 1.23 W.m-2 (UVB 313), 0.35 - 1.55 .m-2     (UVA 340 and UVA 351)
  • A capacity of 24 samples measuring 50 x 250 mm


doc. Antonín Minařík, Ph.D.

+420 57 603 1732 A222
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