Thermogravimetric analyzer TA Q500

Device is for:

Device is designed to analyse weight changes of materials (usually polymers or composites) materials) caused by oxidation, evaporation of volatile substances or by degradation. Evaluation is performed at constant temperature (isothermally) or at defined heating rate (non-isothermally) in inert or oxidising atmosphere. Instrument can be used for material analysis, determination of ash content, stabilizers efficiency, etc. Parameters of analyzer:
- temperature range: +25°C to +1000°C
- heating rate: 0,01°C/min to l00°C/min
- sample weight up to 1 g, sensitivity 0,1 ug
- modulated TGA - MTGA with sinusoidal temperature modulation
- automatic use of 2 different gasses in running experiment.


contact person:

doc. Ing. et doc. Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

+420 57 603 8049 A418
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Thermogravimetric analyzer TA Q500

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Simultaneous DSC, DTA-TGA s FTIR a GC-MS

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