About the Project

Centre of Polymer Systems  has obtained the prestigious HR Award

The project is aimed at the implementation of the issue of strategic managerial control at Tomas Bata University in Zlín and at its component part –  University Institute (UNI), with emphasis put on the component parts’ research centre -  the Centre of Polymer Systems (CPS).

 The aim of the project is an efficient use of the research potential of the research centre. The implementation of the project is focused on the development of capacities, knowledge and skills of managerial staff, researchers and other employees working at TBU in Zlín in the field of strategic management of research and development and rules laid down for the same field within the research centre, in compliance with requirements set in the European Charter for Researchers and in the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, with the aim of earning the “HR Award”.

The project entitled “Development of Capacities for Research and Development at TBU in Zlín” is co-funded by the European Union.

HR Award - HRS4R

In November 2017, Tomas Bata University in Zlín subscribed to the principles enshrined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment of Researchers (EC&C) and committed itself to bringing these closer. The goal being to obtain the HR Award, which is awarded by the European Commission of Research Institutions that implement HRS4R (The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) based precisely on these principles.

Tomas Bata University in Zlín now has a year to develop internal analyses to compare current practice with the Charter and the Code of Conduct and action plan, which shall anchor itself upon the implementation of measures aimed at meeting these principles; in which Tomas Bata University in Zlín needs to identify potential gaps.

The main benefit of the implementation of HRS4R is to ensure that the relationship between Tomas Bata University in Zlín, in the position of employer; and its employees as researchers shall contribute to (their) successful work in the course of the creation, transfer, sharing and dissemination of knowledge and technological development - and to the development of the researchers´ careers.

Benefits of a University and Researcher Strategy:

  • Raising the university´s prestige and attractiveness for researchers
  • Interlinking itself into a pan-European network of research organisations
  • International attractiveness and visibility
  • Acquiring research funds from European and national programs to support research – acquiring benefits in TACR, HORIZON 2020 and other programmes
  • Improving Human Resources Quality Care
  • Creating better career-growth conditions in the research and development (R&D) field at the university
  • Guaranteeing transparent recruitment and selection of new researchers
  • Recognising experience from mobility in the public and private sectors
  • Developing the professional growth of researchers

This project is resolved within the framework of OP VVV "Development of TBU in Zlín Research and Development Capacities", whose Key Activity 1 is: "Setting strategic management of research organisations in accordance with the conditions for obtaining the HR Award".

Strategic Human Resources Management

Research and Development Capacities Development at TBU in Zlín

Project Registration Number: CZ.02.2.69 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_028 / 0006243

Operational Programme: Research, Development and Education

Total Resources: 58 287 898.79 CZK

Implementation Date: 1. 1. 2018

Expected end date: December 31, 2022

Main Project Objective:

The aim of this project is the effective exploitation of research potentials created by the CEBIA-Tech and CPS research centres. The resolution of this project is focused on the development of the capacities, knowledge and skills of managerial, research and other staff of TBU in Zlín in the Research and Development Strategic Management field, and its setting up within research centres in accordance with the terms of the European Charter for Researchers and the Researcher Recruitment Code of Conduct with the aim of gaining the “HR Award”. Award“. 

Project Annotation:

The project herein submitted is focused on resolving the issues of the Strategic Managerial Management of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, (TBU in Zlín), research organisations and their parts of the Faculty of Applied Informatics (FAI) and the University Institute (UNI) focusing on their research components – The Regional Research Centre for Security, Information and Advanced Technologies - (CEBIA-Tech) and the Polymer Systems Centre (CPS).

Target groups:

The target groups are research, academic, administrative and technical staff and management team members supported by their participation in the UNI umbrella research organisation and its part; the CPS Regional Research Centre for Masters and Doctoral Programme students, supported by UTB scientific research organisations and those interested in studying them.



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