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Use of Czech Research Infrastructures

Members of the group Multifunctional nanomaterials obtained the opportunity to use the Czech Research Infrastructures providing the special measurement techniques.

One of the successful proposal was accepted by MLTL in Prague. Magnetism and Low Temperatures Laboratories (MLTL) are situated on the grounds of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague and offer highly accurate and highly effective measurements of magnetic, transport, thermal and cohesive properties of materials and other physical phenomena in the wide temperature range, in magnetic fields up to 14 T and in external pressures up to 12 GPa. These precise measurements can be performed on miniature samples. These techniques will be used for the magnetic measurements of cobalt and nickel doped ZnO nanoparticles. These materials represents the group of "Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors" which are used mainly in optoelectronics and spintronics.

Based on the second successful proposal in CIISB project (Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology), Mgr. Jan Vícha Ph.D obtained a free measurement time at Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometers of Josef Dadok National NMR Center in Brno. Allocated resources were used for studies of structure and properties of anticancer-drug carriers based on modified polysaccharides. Detailed knowledge of their structure, which can be obtained from NMR spectra, is a key component for their further development towards improved anticancer drug delivery and targeting in human body.



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