
Device is for:

  • Scanning Spectroscopic Phase Modulated Ellipsometer Uvisel
    2 (HORIBA) (PEM photoelastic   modulator, 50 kHz) with automatic   goniometer (35-90° with step 0.01°   allowing Variable Angle Spectroscopic   Ellipsometry)
  • The range of wavelengths: 180 – 2200 nm with the resolution better than 0.5 nm and automatic setting of the slits.   The light source is Xenon lamp, 150 W
  • Achromatic optics and imaging system. Fully automated sample stage with horizontal tilt setting
  • Automatic Z-height adjustment: 40mm with Autofocus
  • Computer controlled 200mm x 200mm XYZ stage for automated sample mapping
  • Automated size selection of measuring spot, available for all degrees of light incidence
  • Diameter of measuring size spots is ≤ 40um for 90°
  • Measurement time is shorter than 5 min over the whole range 180-2200 nm with resolution 0.05 eV
  • The ellipsometer allows thickness determination of transparent layers with thickness up to 40 um. Software DeltaPsi2

contact person:

doc. Ing. et doc. Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

+420 57 603 8049 A418
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Radiometr RM-22

Radiometr RM-22

Turbidimetr 430 IR

Turbidimetr 430 IR

Agilent DUO 240FS/240Z/UltrAA Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS).

Agilent DUO 240FS/240Z/UltrAA Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS).

Spektrometer Lovibond RT850i

Spektrometer Lovibond RT850i

Solid State Sample Measurement Kit for the Agilent 16451 B Impedance Spectrometer

Solid State Sample Measurement Kit for the Agilent 16451 B Impedance Spectrometer

chromameter CS 150

chromameter CS 150

Optistat DN Cryostat with accessories for spektrometry

Optistat DN Cryostat with accessories for spektrometry

Impendance dielectric spectroscopy Novocontrol Concept 50

Impendance dielectric spectroscopy Novocontrol Concept 50

FT-IR spectrometer – Nicolet iS5

FT-IR spectrometer – Nicolet iS5

FT-IR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

FT-IR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

FTIR microscope

FTIR microscope

Mini Flex 600 Desk X-ray diffractometer

Mini Flex 600 Desk X-ray diffractometer

Benchtop NMR – PicoSpin 45

Benchtop NMR – PicoSpin 45

Fotometr INFINITE M200Pro NanoQuant

Fotometr INFINITE M200Pro NanoQuant



Elementary analysis

Elementary analysis

Flash Analyzer CHNS / O + MAS200R

Flash Analyzer CHNS / O + MAS200R

Raman microscope

Raman microscope

Acoustic and Electroacoustic Spectrometer Model DT-1202

Acoustic and Electroacoustic Spectrometer Model DT-1202

Absorption spectrometer in ultraviolet and visible region

Absorption spectrometer in ultraviolet and visible region



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