FT-IR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

Device is for:

  • The spectrometer is intended for measurements of absorption spectra in MIR (middle range of IR, from 7800 up to 350 cm-1) and FIR (far IR region, cca from 700 up to at least 50 cm-1) ranges, thus the whole wavenumber range of the instrument is at least from 7800 to 50 cm-1. The spectrometer enables fast kinetic   measurements – 60 spectra per second at the resolution 16 cm-1
  • The spectrometer includes following items and features:
  • SMART ATR accessory device with controlable pressure sample clamp with
    a diamond crystal suitable for measurement   of hard materials (e.g. powder pigments,   semimetal oxides) ATR accessory is fully  equipped by reflexion optics
    for measurements in FIR and MIR region
  • SMART ATR accessory with germanium crystal for preparation of samples for measurement without atmospheric gasses (oxygen or moisture) impact on the sample measured in the MIR region
  • SMART SAGA specular reflection accessory with the grazing incidence angle 80°
  • A permanently mounted polarizer is included to the accessory in order
    to suppres the S plarized light component
  • VariGATR variable angle ATR accessory for measurements of very thin films
    on reflective substrates
  • Spectral libraries

contact person:

doc. Ing. et doc. Ing. Ivo Kuřitka, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

+420 57 603 8049 A418
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Radiometr RM-22

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Turbidimetr 430 IR

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FT-IR spectrometer – Nicolet iS5

FT-IR spectrometer – Nicolet iS5

FT-IR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

FT-IR Spectrometer Nicolet 6700

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Absorption spectrometer in ultraviolet and visible region

Absorption spectrometer in ultraviolet and visible region



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