Use of Molecular Modelling Methods in Studies of Structural Properties and Reactivity of Imidazoquinazolinedione Derivatives

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to a presentation given by dr. Karol Heclik– „Use of Molecular Modelling Methods in Studies of Structural Properties and Reactivity of Imidazoquinazolinedione Derivatives“ which will be held at the Centre of Polymer Systems on 10th October. 2019 10:00 a.m. in the conference room (No.136/ U17).

All are cordially invited.

Invitation for prof. Tzoganakis lecture

We would like to invite you and your colleagues/students for a presentation entitled as "TYROMER ® RUBBER DEVULCANIZATION: ENABLING A TRULY CIRCULAR TIRE-TO-TIRE RECYCLING ECONOMY",  which will be given next week by prof. Costas Tzoganakis from University of Waterloo (Canada) at the Faculty of technology lecture hall.

Date and place: 23.9.2019, U15/002, 15:00 hod.

Student Scientific Conference IGA 2018

In accordance with the Rector's Directive No. 13/2015, I hereby announce the Student Scientific Conference of the Center of Polymer System for 2018.

Gumference 2017 en

en Srdečně vás zveme na GUMFERENCI 2017- seminář projektu Česko-Bavorské spolupráce ve VaV reg.č. 8E15B007.

Téma: „Fenomén starnutí pryže" - „Rubber aging phenomena"

Datum a místo konání: 23.11.2017 od 9:00 do 17:00h, Centrum polymerních systémů UTB Zlín

8 přednášek 
Posterová sekce – zájemci o účast v posterové sekci mohou zaslat svůj zájem prostřednictvím registračního formuláře včetně abstraktu nejpozději do 31.10.2017.
Součástí semináře bude sborník abstraktů s ISBN.
Registrace a účast je bezplatná
Seminář se bude konak v anglickém jazyce bez simultánního překladu

Sborník konference

Abstract template Gumference 2017

Registrační formulář naleznete zde

Pro další info kontaktujte: Petra Svěráková, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



23 November 2017

We would like to invite you to attend the GUMFERENCE 2017- seminar held within a project focusing on Czech-Bavarian collaboration in R&D, Reg. No. 8E15B007.



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