Website information regarding visit of Dr. Urška Vrabič Brodnjak, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Dr. Urška Vrabič Brodnjak, an assistant professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her research background is packaging bio based materials, adhesives and graphic finishing (coatings, etc.). Her visit was connected with COST Action project ENBA CA15216 as Short Term Scientific Mission (Early Carrier Investigator), where, she collaborates with Associate Professor. (Dr.) Nabanita Saha, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic. The purpose of this short visit was: discussion and planning about future publications and preparation of joint application for a European project, based on packaging materials and bioadhesives. In the future, the collaboration between two institutions will be continued and expanded, regarding research and exchange of PhD students among our universities. 

Smarak Bandyopadhyay won the third place in the poster section at a conference in Hungary

Mr. Smarak Bandyopadhyay, doctoral student (3rd year) of the Group ‘Biocomposites Systems’ of CPS, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic awarded ''Third Prize'' for his POSTER presented in 4th International Conference on Bio-Based Polymers and Composites, Balatonfured, Hungary, September 2-6, 2018. Title of the presented Poster is “Preparation and characterization of bacterial cellulose suspension to fabricate thin film intended for its application in food packaging” which is co-authored by Nabanita Saha, Oyunchimeg Zandraa and Petr Saha. He is working under supervision of Prof. Petr Saha and Assoc. Prof. Nabanita Saha.

U.S. Ambassador Visited TBU Research Unit

Tomas Bata University in Zlín hosted on the 5th of September 2018 Mr. Stephen B. King, the United States Ambassador to the Czech Republic. Accompanied by Prof. Petr Sáha, TBU Rector, he took a tour of the Centre of Polymer Systems research unit.

Stephen King has been in the office of the U.S. Ambassador to the CR since autumn 2017. He used to run business in chemical industry – he built and later sold a chemical manufacturing business; it thus comes as no surprise that he was interested in visiting the Centre of Polymer Systems due to this experience.

Centre of Polymer Systems in the Open Days

Centre of Polymer Systems took part in the Open of Tomas Bata University in Zlin on Friday, December 08, 2017. At the Faculty of Technology CPS presented the "Smart Shoe" or the 3D printer.

Awarded presentation of CPS in an international conference

Dr. Raghvendra Singh Yadav from the Group of Multifuncional Nanomaterials of CPS has received ''Best Presentation Award'' in 19th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Technology, Paris, France, October 19-20, 2017 for his presentation of a lecture with the title: Impact of Gd³+ Substitution on Structural, Optical andMagnetic Properties of ZnFeO Nanoparticles (Raghvendra Singh Yadav, Ivo Kuritka, Jarmila Vilcakova, Pavel Urbanek, Michal Machovsky, David Skoda).



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