Prof. Sedlařík Has Been Inaugurated to the Office of Rector

Tomas Bata University in Zlín held a ceremony to mark the inauguration of its new Rector, Prof. Ing. Vladimír Sedlařík, Ph.D. on 21 February 2019. The traditional academic ceremony that took place in the TBU Assembly Hall was attended by more than 400 guests from the entire country as well as from abroad.

New compounds for C-H bond activation were developed in collaboration with CPS

N-heterocyclic carbenes, compounds featuring carbon atom in oxidation state +II bearing a lone pair of electrons, have numerous applications in both organic and inorganic chemistry. Replacement of carbon atom by its heavier analog from Group 14 (Ge, Sn, Pb) allows to obtain compounds with unique properties, which are, for instance, capable of activation of CO2 or methane at mild conditions.

Invitation dr. Asabuwa N. Fahanwi, Ph.D.

Dear colleagues,

I would like to kindly invite to a presentation given by Asabuwa N. Fahanwi, Ph.D. – „Brief Information on surface modified nanocellulose and its related applications“ which will be held at the Centre of Polymer Systems on 14.11. 2018 from 1:00 p.m. in the conference room (No.137/ U17). More detailed information is in attachement.

TBU Researchers’ Night: 100 Years of Czech Science

The traditional Researchers’ Night was held on the 5th October 2018.
Number of experiments, RentroLab, Science café and more. This was the Researcher´s night. Lecture marathon offered for example chemistry in supercomputers, measurements, the century of plastics, and the development of human nutrition. The Exit room has been designed to train the brains. The event was celebrated 100 years since the beginning of the independent Czech scientific environment.



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