Vietnamese Delegation Visited Zlín

A delegation of 17 members from Vietnam paid a visit to the Centre of Polymer Systems on Friday, 31 March 2017. Representatives of the Gia Lai province and Ton Duc Thang University viewed the building and the laboratories; they showed interest in the research currently carried out in the Centre. On this occasion, an agreement on future cooperation was signed.

Prof. Stephen Foulger of Clemson University, USA, Visited the Centre of Polymer Systems within Mutual Collaboration with TBU in Zlín

The Centre of Polymer Systems was paid a visit by Prof. Stephen Foulger of Clemson University, USA, and that within mutual collaboration with TBU in Zlín. Prof. Stephen Foulger is the Director of the Center for Optical Materials Science and Engineering Technologies (COMSET). The scientific cooperation takes place in accordance with the schedule of the COST IC Action 1401 project entitled: Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits and Applications (Memocis).

Lecture “Public Finances and Visions of the CR”

Dear colleagues, dear students, we are pleased to invite you to attend a lecture given by Mr. Andrej Babiš, Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic, that will take place between 10am and 11.45am on Thursday 9 March 2017 in the Assembly Hall of the Academia Centre (Mostní 5139, Zlín, building U2).

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Visit by Prof. Drahoš, President of the CAS

Prof. Jiří Drahoš, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences, paid a visit to the CPS on 28 February. He visited our laboratories and the technology hall. After giving a lecture on the subject of "The Way the Czech Brains Change the World", Prof. Drahoš attended an informal meeting with PhD students.

Use of Czech Research Infrastructures

Members of the group Multifunctional nanomaterials obtained the opportunity to use the Czech Research Infrastructures providing the special measurement techniques.

Flexible polymer LED developed at CPS

An early Christmas gift: Researchers from Multifunctional nanomaterials research group at CPS prepared fully working flexible polymer LED device. The device is based on active layer made from nanocomposite material developed by the members of the group.

Awarded presentation of CPS in an international conference

Dr. Raghvendra Singh Yadav from the Group of Multifuncional Nanomaterials of CPS has been awarded with 'Best Presentation Award' for his presentation of a lecture with the title: Influence of La³⁺ on Structural, Magnetic, Optical and Dielectric Properties in CoFe₂O₄ Nanoparticles Synthesized by Starch-Assisted Sol-Gel Combustion Method (Raghvendra Singh Yadav, Ivo Kuřitka, Jarmila Vilcakova, Pavel Urbánek, Michal Machovsky, Milan Masař, Martin Holek) in 18th International Conference on Advanced Composites and Materials Technologies, 7-8 November 2016, Venice, Italy.

Workshop COST Action MP 1301 – NEWGEN

Welcome to NEWGEN Zlín: Hydrogel/ Biomineralized Biomaterial for Bone Tissue Regeneration

A two-day congress is taking place at Tomas Bata University in Zlín (Centre of Polymer Systems building), Czech Republic, on 15th - 16th November 2016.

The Workshop and WG meeting entitled "Hydrogel/ Biomineralized Biomaterial for Bone Tissue Regeneration" is organized within the framework of COST Action MP 1301 - NEWGEN – "New Generation Biomimetic and Customized Implants for Bone Engineering"




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